Thursday, 19 May 2011

Task 23: 23 Things - On Relection

 So as we conclude this lifelong learning adventure by answering the following questions, I would just like to say thanks for the memories - I have learnt a lot. :)

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

- Loved learning about LibraryThing and GoogleBooks and LibriVox. Learning about RSS feeds was interesting and I think I appreciate the concept more since learning about Podcasting then when I was learning about RSS feed themselves.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
- I believe it has probably enhanced my lifelong learning. I have always been a champion of lifelong learning and I believe some of the tools we were exposed to through this 23 things will definitely enhance any future learning experiences

3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to set up a blog. Once set up it was very easy to maintain. I loved in particular the tasks involving online libraries i.e. LibraryThing and GoogleBooks. I was very surprised about Librivox as i had never heard of it before - I intend to use it from now on. I was also unaware that there were free Podcast sites. These will require further investigation on my behalf. Never thought i would actually join Twitter!

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I think the format itself is fine though the blog could do with updating as some of the links went nowhere.

And last but not least…

5. How did you find the self-directed learning concept? Were you happy to progress through tasks on your own and were you able to motivate yourself to complete the tasks?

Self-directed learning is always difficult as you are guided only by your own motivation levels. Starting is the hardest part but I think once I got over that initial hurdle the rest seemed so easy. all it took was an hour here and and hour there. Some weeks i was able to complete 2-3 task very quickly because each task built on the next other weeks it was only 1 task because the discovery exercises required opening accounts, searching sites etc.

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